Category: Chance

Do you want to change or willing to change?

After breakup, I’m willing to change myself. Of course, in a positive way. Hope that everything will get better! New change for new me. ~ Hà Lê  To achieve your dreams you have to get a few blisters. One step at a time, start walking. ~ Gabby Bumbles  I find …

Don’t be afraid to start over

God close the bad one, and gives me a chance to rebuild something better. ~ Ruth Sinate You can always better yourself! It makes you feel awesome. You don’t need anyone for that! Every failures step closer to success, never stop trying! Start over again when you lost someone …

There are two kinds of forgiveness

I would rather forgive and give the person a chance if they are family and important to me. ~ Lina Moore  After you’ve done the first one with the same person a few times, you got to move to the second option. You can still like the person and …