Never allow loneliness to drive you

Never settle or be with someone just not to be alone – not fair to them, and especially not fair to yourself. ~ Sabrina Cee Some people would rather have something than nothing, even if the something is bad for them. Don’t let the mistakes and disappointments of the …

It takes a strong heart to love

Once you have been hurt, it’s hard to open up again. A hard lesson to learn, but believe me, it’s worth it. It gives you freedom and a lighter heart and piece of mind. Love, even if it hurts. ~ Stacy Csahiouni  Once you forgiven both your partner and …

No matter how badly people treat you

When you roll in the mud with pigs, you both get dirty, but the pigs enjoy it.  When they smugly take your silence or walking away as their victory. Just sigh and realize that inside, they are still really sad people who are hurting and what goes around …