Respect is earned, not given

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. If you don’t have a nice thing to say about someone than don’t say anything at all. Respect like trust is earned over time never given for nothing. You want someones respect “Work for it!”. ~ David Velasquez Share …

Every time you subtract negative from your life

It’s about learning to remove yourself from those situations and getting yourself into the positive situations that’s the real key. Getting around a positive group of people. ~ Ben Drake  Do positive things so you have less time available for negative. Spend time planning a holiday or something, research …

Live your life impressing yourself

Be your own hero. When you worry about impressing others, you have made them an idol or a God. Humans are imperfect, than when they disappoint because being human they will, then you are angry. ~ Gayle Scott  Make peace with yourself and you will be impressed with yourself. …

When you are temporarily upset

The only people that are angry at you for telling the truth are those living the lie. Be yourself and do not cheat your own soul. That is all that matters. Say something so stupid like get out my life then cause you just might get what you …

Everyone has a friend during each stage of life

Those are few and far between. Those who have them hold them close because you are the lucky ones, be grateful. The things that you learn about the character of the people in your world, that change your thoughts of them. Calling you to move on. ~ SJ Adams  …