Tag: move on

Every day is a new beginning

We have to wake up happy. The first reason for our new life, new day to start our dream and the things we had left undone yesterday. Another day is another day of loving my children, my father, brother, nephews, niece and partner. Thank you Lord for waking …

Every situation doesn’t need a reaction

Don’t let other peoples negativity bring you down. Remain positive. Yes it is very difficult when you are around it much of the time. That might be their character but it doesn’t have to be yours or mine. Murmuring and complaining is a sin against God. ~ Sharon Spangler  …

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison

As long as the person who hurt you never say sorry for what he/she did. Anger in our heart & will always stay especially when we see them everyday. Best way to heal all wound, is to stay away from them. Anger will subside. Wound will heal as …