Tag: problems

Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend

Trust no one until they prove themselves, and even then maintain a healthy skepticism! Most people are only your “friend” when it’s convenient for them. You think they are your friend but they turnout to be SNAKES! Talking about our problems only magnifies them if you do it more …

Stop overthinking

We are just creating problems by over thinking, problems that do not exist. Most of my problems are misunderstanding which then leads me to “think”. This is what is being done which then causes the issue. ~ Andrea Karolinski  Overthinking gets you into a lot of trouble. I am …

The people who make your problems their problems

Trust only can be built with time and when trust is broken it sure takes time to heal, but without trying and testing we will never know if we can trust. Therefore we could be hurt by sharing or happy to find that special person who we can …