Category: Broken Hearts

The most painful thing in life

One of the toughest most painful struggles that will tear your heart to shreds & torment your sleep is loving someone who sometimes seems like the best thing that ever happened to you but then other times acts like you don’t exist and like they don’t even care …

It takes a strong heart to love

Once you have been hurt, it’s hard to open up again. A hard lesson to learn, but believe me, it’s worth it. It gives you freedom and a lighter heart and piece of mind. Love, even if it hurts. ~ Stacy Csahiouni  Once you forgiven both your partner and …

No one knows how much you are hurting

Don’t underestimate someone else’s pain. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle, some people are better at hiding it. ~ Shikha Gupta  Grief is such a personal thing. No one grieves in the same way. There’s no rules for grief and no one has the right to tell you …

Our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while

Tears cleanse the soul. Tears reside inside your soul. It were made to release your pain, to heal, to wash, all what stain, never buried wounds of yesterday. Don’t have regret, either loose or gain. ~ Dina Ismail  Some don’t need tears to demonstrate their feelings. They show it …

Every day is a new beginning

We have to wake up happy. The first reason for our new life, new day to start our dream and the things we had left undone yesterday. Another day is another day of loving my children, my father, brother, nephews, niece and partner. Thank you Lord for waking …