Category: Positive Talks

If you are depressed you are living in the past

Depression is a brain chemical imbalance. In the past I was lost in my mind. I would vacillate between suicidal depression and emotional ecstasy; and back again… within a period of minutes. I was eventually diagnosed with “dissociative disorder; with bipolar tendencies.” I’ve never been on medication. I simply learned – over …

Losing someone who doesn’t respect you

Rejection can be a form of protection. Love is the other name of respect. If you can’t respect your loved ones, then you don’t deserve to be loved. So, if someone is not appreciating your effort or respecting you. Leave them because not everyone you lose is a …

Never respond to rudeness

Kill them with kindness. Kindness Rules! When they are gossiping about me, they are giving others a little break. Don’t go down to their level and people will see who is really the better person. Insecure people need to gossip about you to try and prevent gossip about …