Tag: yourself

Live your life impressing yourself

Be your own hero. When you worry about impressing others, you have made them an idol or a God. Humans are imperfect, than when they disappoint because being human they will, then you are angry. ~ Gayle Scott  Make peace with yourself and you will be impressed with yourself. …

Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness

Ruminating, catastrophizing and vilifying instead of taking personal accountability are ways that “overthinking” can occur and keep you down. Positive thinking is important but so is identifying and then changing the ways you overthink. It’s easier to be positive when you are aware of the special “overthinking” path …

It’s not your job to please anyone

Be yourself in life people will like you best that way! When you try to please others that you end up frustrating yourself.  It’s a great way to live if you can’t be true to yourself. You can’t make a difference in other people’s lives. ~ Kaye Lingeman   

It’s your road & yours alone

Each moments is our lifetime Our today’s mirror our tomorrow. We are master of all we survey. We are captain of this troubled ship. Keep what you have and thank who has kept you. I am thankful for those who left walking with me and I am thankful for …