Tag: lessons learned

We are all damaged in our own way

Each one’s hurt aka damage may feel just as painful as another’s, even though some might judge that the depths of the pain aren’t equally deep. Listen and observe, and most of all be patient and kind. ~ Pamela Taylor    You can be kind and non judgemental all …

Do good & good will come to you

I’ll tell you big true now. Do you know why bad people are always healthy or rich? because they think like that, they are positive and know what they want. Some people are angels, will hurt nobody but don’t believe in their self and are negative. Doesn’t matter …

Expectation is root of all headache

The moment you begin to have expectations of people or certain circumstances, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You eliminate expectations by taking full responsibility for your life. You make clear choices and then do them. If things go wrong, no one to blame but yourself. You …