Tag: past

Overcome all the people who tried to bring you down

When you start there’s no going back and there’s no stopping till you’re at the top!   Don’t forget to thank and pray for your friends and families too. They rallied behind you during your difficult times. Bless them as well!    Let’s open the door to good …

You owe no explanations for your flaws

 To “justify” mistakes is NOT the same as apologizing for them. I will apologize for my mistakes that have brought pain to others because attempting to justify my mistakes is no excuse for those mistakes. ~ Courtney Waggener We have to accept the past. We cannot change, why go …

If you are depressed you are living in the past

Depression is a brain chemical imbalance. In the past I was lost in my mind. I would vacillate between suicidal depression and emotional ecstasy; and back again… within a period of minutes. I was eventually diagnosed with “dissociative disorder; with bipolar tendencies.” I’ve never been on medication. I simply learned – over …

Don’t worry about the people in your past

You meet everyone for a special reason. Some are here to help you growing up, some others are here to teach you life lessons. In both ways, everyone you meet, good or bad, shape who you are today. Be Thankful for the good experiences but especially the bad ones, cause …