Category: Friends Forever

We never lose Friends in Life

My grandmother told me that if you meet 5 true friend’s in you lifetime, you are very lucky. I think it is very sad, but also very true! ~ Mary Foglesong  You only need one good friend not many and good friends are hard to find. Sometimes your own …

Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest

Faithful friends are gold. They are there for us in the times of need. We understand that they have lives of their own but somehow they come through for us on a consistent basis. Real friendship is precious and rare. A faithful and True friend will always be there for …

The people who make your problems their problems

Trust only can be built with time and when trust is broken it sure takes time to heal, but without trying and testing we will never know if we can trust. Therefore we could be hurt by sharing or happy to find that special person who we can …