Kindness is like snow

Kindness is like snow

When I’m kind it makes me feel better. If it makes the other person feel good then great, if not, maybe it’s selfish, but I really don’t care. Choose wisely who you’re kind to and who takes advantage of you. ~ Charlotte Barty 

Be kind any time that one time you were kind and thought you were being used could turn around that person and they could be kind to another. ~ Wayne Stone 

Kindness means being nice to people even when you don’t have to. I consider it one of the best qualities in human being. ~ Demetris Eva 

Kindness is like giving a hug to a stranger. It shows a caring nature. ~ Margaret Perry 

God sure knows how to decorate our world with all the beauty of the seasons that He created and all the natural beauty of waterfalls, streams, lakes, clouds in the sky, stars at night, and the list goes on and on. Thank you lord for blessing us all with such beauty that surrounds us. ~ Lorina Logan 

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