Tag: good

Do you want to change or willing to change?

After breakup, I’m willing to change myself. Of course, in a positive way. Hope that everything will get better! New change for new me. ~ Hà Lê  To achieve your dreams you have to get a few blisters. One step at a time, start walking. ~ Gabby Bumbles  I find …

If you have good thoughts

If you are mad or upset about something, it shows on your face. Your face tells what is going on inside you. If it is happy thoughts, you usually smile or laugh, if it is upsetting thoughts you will look angry and mad. When you go around mad …

Some people are not good for you

Some people come in your life with a hidden agenda to try and deeply hurt you and you never get the answers. You never understand why? When you have no expectations in people you are never hurt, you are more disappointed when they turn out to be just …

Do good & good will come to you

I’ll tell you big true now. Do you know why bad people are always healthy or rich? because they think like that, they are positive and know what they want. Some people are angels, will hurt nobody but don’t believe in their self and are negative. Doesn’t matter …