Tag: good

Good things can happen and they will

Positive thoughts bring positive reactions. Everything happens when it needs to happen and everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith! Life is full of hope and when we strongly believe and act, miracles happen! Both good or bad things come & go that is natural. Good things …

Good things are going to happen

Plant seeds of success and be ambitious. We deep what we sow. Success doesn’t just happen, so be patient, your hard work will pay off. Have faith! ~ Byron Hogan Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be …

Good things take time

The good things in life that have real meaning take time, need to grow, they are not instantly there. Like true love, having a baby, watching it grow up, working your way up through a job, goals, achieving your dreams. All take time. ~ Brigitte Nicole A quitter never …