Tag: wisdom

Save a someone’s Life

A good friend of mine committed suicide many years ago and to this day I feel guilt wondering why I did not see the signs and if I could have done something to prevent it. You never know where a kind thought or word might land or it’s …

Be careful who you open up to

Nothing hurts more then being played. I have a bad habit of giving people the benefit of the doubt and trusting them only to be hurt. People are so quick to use others as stepping stones to get to what they want, or to make themselves feel better. …

When you are temporarily upset

The only people that are angry at you for telling the truth are those living the lie. Be yourself and do not cheat your own soul. That is all that matters. Say something so stupid like get out my life then cause you just might get what you …

Don’t correct a fool

A fool is too stuck on stupid to hear you. The fool has no interest in what your opinions are, only theirs. Too much ignorance in the world and not enough respect for the feelings of others. They are the ones who find fault in you rather than …