Category: Inspirational

Expectation is root of all headache

The moment you begin to have expectations of people or certain circumstances, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You eliminate expectations by taking full responsibility for your life. You make clear choices and then do them. If things go wrong, no one to blame but yourself. You …

When you don’t get what you want in life?

Things always happen or not happen for a reason. Life always give a second chance. Wiser people make it’s proper use, but stupid people quit after first loss. You can’t even wait for second chance. You don’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you …

Don’t change so people will like you

Sometimes change is necessary to become a better person, but do it for you, not someone else. Be yourself, but change your bad behavior. The first step in being likable is to like the person you see in the mirror in the morning even with major bedhead. ~ Mark …

Sometimes your heart needs more time

When it is time to let go or leave, it takes the heart longer to figure out what your mind knows. And when you fall in love, it goes the other way. Sometimes we just don’t want to accept what we see. We keep hoping things will change.

Good things are going to happen

Plant seeds of success and be ambitious. We deep what we sow. Success doesn’t just happen, so be patient, your hard work will pay off. Have faith! ~ Byron Hogan Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be …