People make time for the things that are important to them

People make time for the things that are important to them

It just means they have priorities but you are not one of them. It’s very straight forward. Best then to not make them a priority either and all will be fine. ~ Anne McDougle 

Nowadays, people who say they are very busy, I let them go. I am a busy person myself but make extra effort for people I want in my life. It’s all about priorities. If you are not a priority to them, don’t waste time chasing them. ~ Sherina Zain 

There are some who flake out on relationships and there are some that are struggling to keep their head above water. It’s best to truly know a person’s situation before writing them off. Some are living a life that many couldn’t handle. ~ Cynthia Sudden 

You are going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times, but in the end it’s always their actions you should judge them by. ~ Arkadyuti Konar 

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