Category: Inspirational

If you are depressed you are living in the past

Depression is a brain chemical imbalance. In the past I was lost in my mind. I would vacillate between suicidal depression and emotional ecstasy; and back again… within a period of minutes. I was eventually diagnosed with “dissociative disorder; with bipolar tendencies.” I’ve never been on medication. I simply learned – over …

Good things can happen and they will

Positive thoughts bring positive reactions. Everything happens when it needs to happen and everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith! Life is full of hope and when we strongly believe and act, miracles happen! Both good or bad things come & go that is natural. Good things …

Don’t worry about the people in your past

You meet everyone for a special reason. Some are here to help you growing up, some others are here to teach you life lessons. In both ways, everyone you meet, good or bad, shape who you are today. Be Thankful for the good experiences but especially the bad ones, cause …