When someone loves you

Don’t trust words, trust only actions. If you are talking about the love than action can make your feeling double, triple or many times. Weak people will ask you to listen first cos their actions are inconsistent. Strong people would just do without questions. I choose the later. …

Everything comes to you in the right moment

Only God knows what’s best for us, thus, He gives it to us when we need His help the most. Delay doesn’t mean denial. ~ Maricor Morales  Just letting the universe know that I am ready for my new job and that today is good for it. ~ Margaret Bruce  …

When someone leaves you

Forgive, let go and walk your own way. We should try to forget bad things in a life and look at good we have because it always can be worse than what has happened to us. Positive life = Happier life ~ Julieta Ivanova  Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer

Peoples’ actions do affect other people

Some people never learn. That’s why I left them behind. ~ Louis Cascio  Some parents hurt their own kids over & over then apologize, then hurt again. GOD WILL DEAL WITH THEM! ~ Tracy Olesen  It’s a shame, that ‘All about me’ attitude has resulted in my beautiful 3 year old …