Tag: care

Be careful how far you push me away

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. People don’t realize when they keep taking steps backwards, whether intentional or not, the other person also takes a step back out of self preservation (especially after trying to be closer to the person that is pushing them away) …

Never forget who was there for you

The only person who is there for me unconditionally is ……. Me ~ Debbie Dadral Never forget those you thought would be there but weren’t, definitely painful lessons to learn. There are people who easily forget someone who helped them during those times that they’re in need after helping …

Be careful how you treat people

Sometimes it hurts because you can never tell if that one person you are giving your time, love and everything is totally different on you. Acceptance is important. If that person doesn’t care learn, use your brain and feelings to accept reality. ~ Roselen Magaling  We need to treat …

Tongue is strong enough to break a heart

Sometimes we’re don’t even mean anything, but words are so powerful they can hurt others heart.  When someone you thought you knew and loved goes too far with hurting words, the bond / bone is cracked and might never mend to the way it was before. Watch your …