The best gift a man can give to his woman

The best gift a man can give to his woman

There is no such thing as not having time. You can make time if you truly want. If not, one is selfish.

If a man gives you his time, he is committed to you. If a man loves you, he will be honest with you. If a man respects you, he will pay attention to you. I know these things because I am in a relationship that began on January 2, 1978. I met my wife that night. We married on July 20, 1980. We have reared two daughters, one born in 1982, the other in 1991, so it was like having two broods. We have been through a myriad of medical problems, four bankruptcies, lost two homes, and many other devastating problems. Yet, almost 35 years later, we are still committed to our relationship. In fact, in many ways, we trust each other, are committed to each other, respect each other, and love each other more than ever. God put us together, He has kept us together, and we will always be together as long as we both are living. Being in a relationship, first and foremost, depends on both parties being in love with the other, and joining in marriage, committing to each other, and to God. Second, both must being good forgivers. We all do things that we regret, and asking for forgiveness, and giving it, are necessary for a relationship to last. Everything else then falls into place. I hope you will put your trust in God, and find the man God has for you. My wife and I met because we both arrived at a lecture class early that night in 1978. She was there, sitting by herself on the front steps of the auditorium, when I rode up on my bicycle. Since no one else was there, I walked over to her, and asked her if I could sit next to her, and we then sat together in the class, and I asked her out after. The rest, as they say, is history. Neither of us had any inkling that we would meet our soul mate that night, but God works in mysterious ways. So, if a guy walks up to you and asks to sit with you, it may be a good idea to say yes! God be with you. ~ Mike Dickson 

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