Usually give more chances to people

Usually give more chances to people

When the crying is over and I get quiet! That’s the sign. …. Done! ~ Sandy Bathe 

It’s like respect, once you loose it, it’s gone.

Nobody should be a door mat for anyone!

I always give my best, show the way how much I value, but sometimes life spoiled you, so when I say enough, enough. No matter it takes, no matter how it hurts. ~ Josie Rendon 

There must be a line drawn. I do not believe in enemies but I will still be polite and thing to you but just not gonna do certain things together any more. ~ Janetta Brown 

You should not be used by somebody or understand one day that the chance or tries are not wanted.

It’s a matter of trust. Once that is gone, it’s gone. That’s why I give more than one chance because I know that of me. I’m wise enough to know by chance I mine time. I’ve learned that if someone crosses you in a terrible way, they will do it again; and I won’t allow that, but if it is little escalating behaviors that make me see a different side, that’s it. I’ll be cordial and polite; but it can never be the same again. ~ Pamela Williams 

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