Category: Heartwarmers

Time decides who you meet in life

Our intuition always tells us but unfortunately, we constantly overide it. If someone still leaves you then they are the ones with a problem, not you. It’s their choice to go. It wasn’t your choice. Keep that in mind & stay strong and true to who you are. …

Sometimes you just have to stay silent

Sometimes it’s better to stay silent because when you share your story, you get judged by some people committed to misunderstanding you. ~ Jenn Guthrie    My words have been spoken but it is up to them whether they choose to listen and care etc. No one can do …

You can’t buy love in your life

They say love doesn’t hurt, but loving the wrong person would be a tragedy. Loving the wrong person is like a hell. It gives so much pain and heartache. It’s better to be alone than to suffer the pain. ~ Thimama Morukhu  Priceless things are easy to get. The …