Category: Let go & Move on

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison

As long as the person who hurt you never say sorry for what he/she did. Anger in our heart & will always stay especially when we see them everyday. Best way to heal all wound, is to stay away from them. Anger will subside. Wound will heal as …

Trying to force someone to care about you

When you give your all to someone & in their eyes your still not good enough. Love yourself more & walk!   The irony is that by trying to make someone care, you become miserable as a result of that. You cannot force kindness out of a person; …

Things happen for a reason in life

Always listen to your gut. Took time but honestly believe things happen for a reason. Moved on and beginning love myself again. ~ Shirley Helmer Enjoy your life, for it is very short. Move forward and be happy. No worries, God will be there to help you. ~ Diane Zechman  …