Category: Life’s Beautiful

Like is like a roller coaster ride

Different things happen in our lives and you cannot control it. Just remember that every moment, may it be sad or happy, it will never last long, so take the step to move forward and enjoy every minute of it because it is sure enough that you will …

We never lose Friends in Life

My grandmother told me that if you meet 5 true friend’s in you lifetime, you are very lucky. I think it is very sad, but also very true! ~ Mary Foglesong  You only need one good friend not many and good friends are hard to find. Sometimes your own …

Regrets & ups and downs are part of your short life

Life is precious. Some choose to live mundane. Life’s full of many shared experiences. Laughter and happiness is there for all. ~ Stuart Hall Physical life is too short, that’s why we should be careful how we spend it. Regrets and ups and downs are part of your short …