Tag: love

Fall in Love & Regret nothing in Life

The most important thing is to be happy alone and with yourself. When you stop trying everything will happen. Allow yourself to have fun, allow yourself to fall in love with simple things like a sunny day or a cute puppy and allow yourself to feel good. By …

Everything can change in the blink of an eye

Just swallow your pride and move on. The best thing will happened to those who knows how to forgive. It attracts more blessings to your life and inner peace of mind. Maybe it won’t heal 100 percent but atleast God knows you’ve tried & you’ve done your part …

You can’t make someone love you

Don’t give emotion or affection to someone who can’t return it. Sometimes life is quite complicated and it might not be about you at all but them, a timing thing, or even where they are in their own life. They can become stuck in a pattern in life …

The Best things in Life

Sex has nothing to do with true love. Try, if you will. Being in love with one, for 28 years, always, was Polly Moran, on my mind. We met in April, 1983 and I was in love. My love, though, we went separate ways in our life, some how, …