You deserve the kind of love you would give someone else

You deserve the kind of love you would give someone else

If you give unconditional love you will receive the same but have to believe in you to get that love.

Expectations can be important because you don’t want to just settle in life; expecting a person to be faithful for instance and love should be unconditional but it is something that when given should be returned in order to continue. Relationships that become one-sided seldom last. ~ Matt Otis

I am working on learning to love myself at the moment with the same type of love I give to others because I am even more deserving of that. When that is learned, I believe the rest will all fall into place. The love you are will to accept from another should be based on the self worth you hold for yourself. When you believe in yourself, you won’t accept less. ~ Anne Skvarenina 

God is love so in turn we are made to love unconditionally but because of so many heart breaks the love we deserve is too hard to except at times because the pain and time it took to heal the last time. ~ Tawnya Jelks 

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