Author: Tejas Patel

Founder of Wisdom Quotes & Stories and Wisdom Healing Center. I am Practicing Healer, Life Counselor, Meditation Trainer, Mind Control Expert, Psychotherapist & Inspirational Blogger.

Never forget who was there for you

The only person who is there for me unconditionally is ……. Me ~ Debbie Dadral Never forget those you thought would be there but weren’t, definitely painful lessons to learn. There are people who easily forget someone who helped them during those times that they’re in need after helping …

Respect those who tells the truth

Even more I respect those willing to hear the truth and not hide from it or distort it. ~ Roberta Brofman  I respect those people who are straightforward, it saves a lot of time. ~ Sehar Kiani  Being honest with someone may hurt, but if it’s the truth, the truth …

If you made a promise, Keep it

My friends are those who keep their promises, cherish my presence, include me and respect me and apologize for their mistakes and have earned my trust. ~ Jim Pillow  Some have no idea how to respect, cherish, be accountable and apologize. Beautiful people who know virtue earn that place …

Don’t correct a fool

A fool is too stuck on stupid to hear you. The fool has no interest in what your opinions are, only theirs. Too much ignorance in the world and not enough respect for the feelings of others. They are the ones who find fault in you rather than …

True Family

Just because I am related to certain people, doesn’t mean I am obliged to have anything to do with some of those I prefer and chose to not be a part of my life for valid reasons. The same applies to people that have used me for their …