Stressing over something you can’t change

Stressing over something you can't change

Don’t dwell on the past, it can’t be changed.

Start practicing meditation. It will clam your muscles and free your stress.

You must learn to let go of the hatred and hurt that lives in your heart.

Sometimes it’s all you can do just to keep going and sometimes you just have to let the bridge break. Let the tears flow and start over. ~ Anne Asuncion 

Like everything in life, it’s a process. We need to understand that our lives are our own and we deserve the peace that moving on brings. You can’t start to enjoy your life until your willing to fully live in the present. When you start stressing, say forward, forward, and move on to the present. ~ Patrice Paulone 

If you can’t do anything about it then just put it out of your mind and work on something you can control. 

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